Wanzek Dental from Mönchengladbach repairs over 25,000 dental tools every year. For almost 40 years, they have been a reliable partner for dental and oral surgery practices throughout Germany, focussing on precision and craftsmanship. When launching the company’s own online shop, we were faced with the challenge of communicating this technical and specialised topic in an emotional and accessible way. We packaged the importance of well-maintained devices in an image film that impresses with the interplay between dental practice and workshop. We also successfully showcased Wanzek’s core values in informative social media assets.
Client: Wanzek Dental
Concept: Studio Praam
Directing DP: Kevin Mohr
Production: Studio Praam
1AC: Lukas Prangen
Edit:Kevin Mohr
Voice Over Imagefilm: Silke Haas
Voice Over Social Media: Daniel Wandelt
Copywriter: Claudia Peschetz
The image film plays with the demands that patients have of their doctors, while doctors in turn have the same high expectations of their equipment. This concept is combined with Wanzek’s self-image: Precision and responsibility. Visually, the film alternates between Dr Martin Hilger’s dental practice and Wanzek’s workshop. The dental tools act as a bridge between the two worlds. The voice-over lends depth to the commercial and emphasises that there should be no surprises when it comes to patient safety.
Die begleitenden Social Media Assets dienen der Wissensvermittlung und Nahbarkeit. Sie erklären die Vorgehensweise bei Reparaturen, stellen Mitarbeitende vor und bieten Informationen für die tägliche Nutzung der Dentalwerkzeuge. Die Kombination aus technischen Einblicken und persönlicher Nähe zur Zielgruppe hat Wanzek über 1.400 Follower auf Instagram eingebracht – ein beeindruckender Erfolg für ein so nieschiges und fachliches B2B Thema.